
Ce Jian & Yuzheng Cheng

designed by On Paper Studio, printed in Beijing
folded booklet format: 248.5 x 347 mm, poster format: 694 x 994 mm

The Anchor project was an experiment conducted in collaboration with 20 international authors, curators, and art historians. Each participant was assigned an artist who was completely unknown except for a brief CV and a digital artwork titled Anchor, and tasked with writing an interpretive text or comment based solely on this information.

After the contributors wrote their pieces, it was revealed to them that all 10 male and 10 female artists, coming from various nationalities and backgrounds, were fictitious identities. The digital collage Anchor, attached to each CV, was specifically created for this project. Its motif was derived from the logo of Ankerklause, a pub in Berlin’s multicultural Kreuzberg area, symbolizing themes of migration, settlement, and cultural roots.

The fictional nature of the project aimed to provoke questions about how foreign artist identities are perceived by an insider audience when presented as unknown figures, often operating outside the established art scene. How does the content of an artist’s CV influence the reception and interpretation of their work? What criteria define an acceptable artist CV in today’s discourse on outsiders, minorities, and diversity within a globalized art world? How do preconceived notions about cultural or social backgrounds shape perceptions of artistic “exoticism,” irrespective of the actual artwork?

The vibrant, eclectic digital collage with its pop post-internet aesthetic underscores the predominance of digital image viewing in contemporary art consumption. Simultaneously, it raises inquiries into whether digital media homogenize cultural distinctions through the rapid dissemination of popular forms and tastes.

Ce Jian & Yuzheng Cheng




Ce Jian & Yuzheng Cheng

published by A Book Edition, Berlin
120 p., 60 acrylic paintings on paper, softcover, 14.5 x 21 cm
ISBN 9783947295005

This partner project shows a succession of 60 copies of the EU map (status in 2014). It starts with a copy after an official map, done in acrylic on paper, after which the partners took turns at copying the map, working only after the previous version done by the other. Over the course of two months, the EU was gradually (accidentally, subconsciously) altered in the repetitive daily routine, until the political order in the map dissolved and became something else – just like the map is an abstraction of the world, the abstraction of the map is a painting.





2015, edition of 15 books with 7 transparent sheets bound in 15 combinations, 29.7 x 21 cm



Marco Polo – A Travel Guide

2010, Ce Jian, Andrew James Art, Shanghai, 2010, 52 p., softcover, 21 x 14 cm

Artist’s book and exhibition catalog for the solo show Marco Polo – A Travel Guide at Andrew James Art in Shanghai, realized during an artist residency at JIA Shanghai in 2010.

The Marco Polo travel guide series is especially popular among German tourists and has become a symbol of their curiosity about foreign places and cultures. For my Shanghai project, I took this guidebook as a manual and strictly followed each sightseeing recommendation like a good tourist, while learning about my own country of origin through foreign eyes.
The photos and materials collected along the way resulted in a large number of paintings, drawings and collages, part of which were used to create this new Marco Polo guidebook – a fragmentary and ironic recount of my personal “Shanghai experience”.


I. Bund
1. The Shanghai Club
2. Old Lady On the Bank
3. Custom House
4. Peace Hotel
5. Chaplin Was Here (1-2)
6. Bank of China
7. Shanghai Mansions

II. The Old Town
8. The Old Town
9. My Itinerary
10. Chinese Garden (1)
11. Chinese Garden (2)

III. French Concession
12. Tricolore
13. Sun Yatsen Lived Here
14. Arts and Crafts Museum
15. Morris Estate
16. Fuxing Park (1-3)

IV. Pudong
17. High Buildings
18. View From Above
19. Pudong As Seen From Cheng Huang Miao
20. View From the Pearl Tower
21. Skyline

V. Culture
I – Natural History
22. Where They Come From
23. How They Lived
24. How It Was (1)
25. How It Was (2)
26. New Species (2)
27. New Species (3)
28. Chinese Birds (1)
29. Chinese Birds (2)
30. Chinese Birds (3)

II – Culture and Habits
31. Family Life (1)
32. Family Life (2)
33. Their Galleries (ShanghART)
34. Their Galleries (M50)
35. Their Religion
36. Their Women

III – Cuisine
37. Their Food (1)
38. Their Food (2)
39. Their Food (3)
40. Their Food (4)
41. Dessert (1)
42. Dessert (2)

VI. General Advice for Travellers
43. Don’t Eat
44. Never Buy Bootlegs
45. Never Get Into a Taxi Without an Address
46. Never Underestimate the Traffic
